Saturday, February 9, 2008

About Kristine

EIGHT lasts
1. last cigarette? never.
2. last beverage? water.
3. last phone call? carlos.
4. last text message? dad.
5. last CD played? brothers of abraham.
6. last BUBBLE bath? when i was 5?
7. last time you cried? in elko.
8. last meal? in n out
SEVEN have you’s:
1. have you ever dated someone twice? nope
2. have you ever run away from home? thought about it
3. have you ever kissed someone & regreted it? yes
4. have you ever fallen in love?
5. have you ever lost someone? like someone died? yes
6. have you ever slept until 2pm? no
7. have you ever been drunk and thrown up? nope.
SIX things you did in the past three days:
1. sat in an airport for 10 hours
2. flew to vegas
3. went to in n out
4. did some spanish
5. took a test
6. ate cookie dough
FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to:
1. Camille 2. Daniella 3. Jay 4. Lacey 5. Dad
THREE favorite colors:
1. Red 2. Maroon 3. Purple
FOUR things you want to do before you die:
1. get married
2. go to australia
3. have a baby
4. graduate from college
This month have you…
Laughed until you cried? yes...more than once.
Went behind your parents back? no.
1. Your last kiss? i didn't want it to happen.
2. Who are the best huggers that you know? brandon
3. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
4. Is there something you want to tell someone? no
5. What brand of shirt are you wearing? billabong
6. What is your current annoyance? throw up on my pants
7. How many kids do you want to have? start with 1
8. Do you want to change your name? no
9. Last time you saw your father? 2 weeks ago
10. What did you do for your last birthday? had fondue
11. What time did you wake up today? 7:23...when brandon woke me up
12. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping
13. Name something you CANNOT wait for? snow to melt
14. What is your favorite thing in your room? pictures
15. Where is your best friend right now? colorado, nevada, california

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